Hey there, I'm Anastasiia.
In the past 10 years, I've gone through challenges like developing a career as an immigrant in 4 countries and overcoming a divorce and tax debt abroad, all while growing international communities, building my own business, writing a book and dealing with Ukrainian political unrest and war.
Many internationals are facing incredible difficulties on their path in a new country. The goldmine of their talents and expertise goes unnoticed because they don't fit the new culture, speak with mistakes or can't connect to their teammates.
I dream that with my support, hundreds of companies will know how to leverage the diverse experiences and skills of their international team members to build a better world.
In case you ever need a proof
(otherwise, check out my LinkedIn
for my work and confirmation of my humanness):

Proven techniques, reliable results, sound business goals and translating them into your daily project management, focus on your vision and building a specific plan to make it happen.